Saturday, November 22, 2014

You Can't Judge a Book By Its Cover #31

- You can't judge a book by its cover - which is very true.
But you can like one cover version better than another...

US cover
Canadian/UK cover
 I was hunting down cover art for my review of  Peter James's new book - Want You Dead. I came across the US cover on the left and the Canadian/UK cover on the right.  The US cover lets you know that fire is definitely a part of the plot. The Canadian/UK cover gives you the plot in a nutshell in the cover.  Tough call this week, but I'm going with the Canadian cover. The yellow type is eye catching and the background is ominous. Which cover do you prefer?
Do you plan to or have you read Want You Dead?
You Can't Judge A Book By Its Cover is a regular Saturday feature on A Bookworm's World.

1 comment:

  1. I actually prefer the U.S. cover. Usually I do side with the UK version but with this book, I find the match's flame is very eye catching. I also love the solitary image wandering down "lonely street" , even though it's a James Dean rip off LOL
    Love the cover comparisons, keep 'em coming Luanne :)



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