Thursday, November 13, 2014

Over the Counter #238

What books caught my eye this week as they passed over the library counter and under my scanner? Children and their toys this week...

First up is Toy Stories by Gabriele Galimberti.

From the publisher, Abrams Books:

"For over a year, the photographer and journal­ist Gabriele Galimberti visited more than 50 countries and created colorful images of boys and girls in their homes and neighborhoods with their most prized possessions: their toys. From Texas to India, Malawi to China, Iceland, Morocco, and Fiji, Galimberti recorded the spontaneous and natural joy that unites kids despite their diverse backgrounds. Whether the child owns a veritable fleet of miniature cars or a single stuffed monkey, the pride that Galimberti captures is moving, funny, and thought provoking."

I'm hoping my library will order this one - What the Dinosaurs Did Last Night by Refe and Susan Tuma. You have to check out the website - it's priceless! And it is Dinovember.....

From the publisher, Little, Brown and Company:

"From the parents who brought us the web sensation "Dinovember" comes photographic proof of what toys do at night.

Since Toy Story (and maybe since the very first toys!) children and their parents have wondered what it would be like if toys came to life. Refe and Susan Tuma take this wonder several steps further in WHAT THE DINOSAURS DID LAST NIGHT.

Every November, writer and social media master Refe Tuma and his wife, Susan, work into the night to bring their four children scenes from the secret lives of their toys -- specifically the nighttime antics of their plastic dinosaurs. The dinosaurs wreck bathrooms, destroy vases, rock out, encounter terrifying hot irons, even do the dishes with hilarious, magical results.

Each scene is photographed in meticulous detail, letting viewers joyfully suspend disbelief and think to themselves -- just LOOK what the dinosaurs did last night!"

(Over the Counter is a regular feature at A Bookworm's World. I've sadly come the realization that I cannot physically read every book that catches my interest as it crosses over my counter at the library. But... I can mention them and maybe one of them will catch your eye as well. See if your local library has them on their shelves!)

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