Friday, September 19, 2014

Film on Friday #21 - The Fault in Our Stars

When a well-loved book is adapted as a movie I always wonder if the film can live up to my expectations.  In this case, it's John Green's fabulous book, The Fault in Our Stars. I didn't get to the theatres to see it, so I happily sat down with the newly released The Fault in Our Stars Little Infinites Blu-ray.

Director Josh Boone's vision of the book was excellent! For those of you unaware of either book or movie (and how can that be!) The Fault in Our stars is the love story of Hazel and Augustus - who meet at a teen cancer group. Actors Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort both did an amazing job bringing these characters to the screen. Supporting actors Laura Dern and Sam Trammel also embodied the mental images I had created for Hazel's parents. Woodley and Elgort nail the sarcastic dialogue, the poignant scenes and the 'get the tissue box moments' (seriously you're going to want to have that handy) and made me fall in love all over again with this story.

There are so many great scenes and lines from the book that stuck in my head as I was reading and I wondered if they would appear in the movie. They did - including my personal favourite - "Some infinities are bigger than other infinities." This Blu-ray edition is actually called the Little Infinities Extended Edition (and comes with a limited edition little infinities bracelet) The Fault in Our Stars tackles a serious topic with humour, grace, wit and so much emotion. It's impossible not to love the story.

Although I loved getting lost in watching the movie, I was also eager to see the additional features included - an extended version, deleted scenes (including a cameo cut from John Green), features on the cast, the process of taking a book to a movie and many more.

Is it a movie I would watch again? Absolutely. Definitely recommended to movie and book lovers - one of the best book to film adaptions I've seen.

 And if it's a movie you'd like to own, I have a copy of the The Fault in Our Stars Little Infinities version to giveaway! Open to US and Canada - you can enter here - share your favourite Fault in Our Stars moment. Ends Sept. 28/14.
Already own the movie? You might want to watch it again - with John Green. #TFIOSPARTY

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