Saturday, July 12, 2014

You Can't Judge A Book By Its Cover #12

- You Can't Judge a Book By Its Cover - Which is very true.
But you can like one cover version better than another...
Trade softcover
A bit of a different twist on cover art this week. While hunting down the cover art for The Tilted World by Tom Franklin and Beth Ann Fennelly, I stopped to compare the hardcover vs. the paperback cover. I absolutely loved the book - I just read it this week. I honestly can't decide which cover I prefer. The trade editon captures the lead character for me, but the hardcover absolutely captures the setting, also a main component of the book. It's a book that is a permanent addition to my library. Which cover do you prefer? Have you read The Tilted World?
You Can't Judge A Book By Its Cover is a regular Saturday feature on A Bookworm's World


  1. But you so get drawn in by attractive covers - doesn't everyone?

  2. I'm sure you've gotten this comment before, but it's "its cover" not "it's cover".

  3. I just love your "cover" comparisons. For me, this one is no contest - the hardcover wins. I love the sense of loneliness and the desolation that the harsh landscape pictured on this cover evokes.

  4. I love the trade cover but can see where the other captures the story.

  5. Oh indeed I do Mystica!

    Thanks Mary - it's one I always mess up!

    Thanks Icewineanne - glad you're enjoying them!

    Kathy - I loved them both after reading the book


Thank you for stopping by - your comments are much appreciated!