Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Giveaway - This Is Not An Accident: Stories - April Wilder

Thanks to the generosity of Viking Books, I have a copy of April Wilder's brand new collection of stories - This Is Not An Accident - to giveaway!

From the publisher:

"From a truly distinctive voice brimming with wicked humor, tales of the little disasters that befall and befuddle us.

April Wilder’s characters (some normal, some less so) have this in common: they are spiraling (or inching) toward self-destruction. An almost poetic range of disasters are sought out and savored in This Is Not an Accident, from bad romance to iffy adoption decisions to unsteady liaisons with animals and dolls; from compulsive driving to compulsive written correspondence with oneself.

A house sitter hides among poets in Salt Lake City after his canine charge dies tragically. A grandma’s boyfriend holds backyard barbecue under siege—with the kids as his pint-sized guards. The world of these slightly off-centre individuals is similarly off by a few degrees. But by the end, we realize it’s not as far off as we would like to think: this is modern American life. What Wilder captures is not a dark side, but rather the side we all know well and hide from others, and ourselves. In the tradition of Wells Tower and Jim Shepard, This Is Not an Accident signals a bold new voice and delivers the kind of insanely incisive moments only a master of the human condition can conjure." Read an excerpt of This Is Not An Accident.

Photo by Alex Adams
April Wilder is a former Fiction Fellow from the Institute for Creative Writing in Madison, Wisconsin. Her short fiction has appeared in several literary journals including Zoetrope, McSweeney’s, and Guernica Magazine. She holds a BS in math/actuarial science from UCLA, an MFA in fiction from the University of Montana, and a PhD in literature/creative writing from the University of Utah (with a doctoral focus on “narratives of the absurd”). Wilder lives in the Napa Valley with her daughter.
If this sounds like a book you'd like to read, simply leave a comment to be entered. Open to U.S. only, no PO boxes please. Ends February 23/14

1 comment:

  1. I just read her article "me me me" and it's a page turner. Great and humorous writing style.


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