Monday, January 16, 2012

Coming Soon to a Book Near You #1

This is the first post in a new semi regular feature at A Bookworm's World. There are so many great trailers being made for books now. I thought I would share some of them for books I'm looking forward to reading And the first one is for The Professionals by Owen Laukkanen.

From the publisher Putnam Books:

"Save the date for the most anticipated thriller debut of 2012: March 29.

Four friends, recent college graduates, caught in a terrible job market, joke about turning to kidnapping to survive. And then, suddenly, it's no joke. For two years, the strategy they devise-quick, efficient, low risk-works like a charm. Until they kidnap the wrong man.

Now two groups they've very much wanted to avoid are after them-the law, in the form of veteran state investigator Kirk Stevens and hotshot young FBI agent Carla Windermere, and an organized-crime outfit looking for payback. As they all crisscross the country in deadly pursuit and a series of increasingly explosive confrontations, each of them is ultimately forced to recognize the truth: The true professionals, cop or criminal, are those who are willing to sacrifice . . . everything.

A finger-burning page-turner, filled with twists, surprises, and memorably complex characters, The Professionals marks the arrival of a remarkable new writer."

On my must read list! You can find Laukkanen on Facebook and Twitter.

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