Friday, January 6, 2012

Clockwork Prince - Cassandra Clare

New Year and new reviews from our resident teen blogger Ella.  Guess what she got for Christmas? Yep, a Kobo. And Clockwork Prince, by Cassandra Clare is the first book she's read on her new ereader.

"Clockwork Prince is the second book in the Infernal Devices trilogy by Cassandra Clare. It's a spin-off of her first series, Mortal Instruments, set in Victorian England, telling the story of the ancestors of the Mortal Instruments characters. It's one of approximately 4 steampunk series that don't make me want to poke my own eyes out with the corner of a paperback, probably because it's more fantasy than steampunk. She's one of those authors that I have never heard of someone disliking. I'm sure haters are out there, but I can't imagine why.

 There are too many spoilers from the 1st book if I give a synopsis of Clockwork Prince. Suffice to say, Tessa is a cool heroine, torn between 2 attractive guys, fighting a frighteningly sneaky bad guy, with a fabulous cast of supporting characters. Excellent worldbuilding, witty repartee, demons, descendants of angels, robots etc, etc. I almost woke my family up in the middle of the night finishing it, because it's so SHOCKING.

Definitely read them in order, though. It's worth it when you notice they have the same last names in both series. Read an excerpt of Clockwork Prince. If you don't have a kobo/kindle, whatever, I would strongly advise buying one.  I LOVE IT!!! Santa rocks! Hope you had a good Christmas!!!"

Thanks Ella - I know we're looking forward to more of your reviews in 2012!


  1. I got to see Cassandra Clare in December and the young people were so excited about meeting her. I love their enthusiasm and want to try one of her books. Great review, Ella!

  2. I saw Ella at work today Kathy - she wishes she could meet Cassandra Clare too!


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