Monday, June 20, 2011

Before I Go To Sleep - S. J. Watson

You might have heard about Before I Go To Sleep - the debut novel of S. J. Watson. You might have heard that it's an addicting, incredibly well crafted, finely honed suspenseful tale that will leave you turning pages long into the night.

Everything you've heard? All that and more! What an amazing debut! Rights have been sold in thirty countries already and the film rights are sold as well.

Christine wakes up early and finds herself in bed with a middle aged man. One she doesn't know and can't quite remember how she got there.

"Usually I can remember how I get into situations like this, but not today. There must have been a party, or a trip to a bar or a club. I must have been pretty wasted. Wasted enough that I don't remember anything at all. Wasted enough to have gone home with a man with a wedding ring and hairs on his back."

She creeps into the bathroom, but the hand that flushes the toilet looks wrong. And when she looks into the mirror, there's a middle aged woman looking back. That can't be her - she's twenty five, that woman is at least 45... And then the man wakes up and tells her who she is - his wife. His wife who had a bad accident that left her with head injuries and severe amnesia. She literally cannot remember anything from day to day.

"You've had amnesia for a long time. You can't retain new memories, so you 've forgotten much of what happened to you for your entire adult life. Every day you wake up as if you are a young woman. Some days you wake as if you are a child."
Ben her husband goes off to work. The phone rings and she answers it - it's a man who says he is a doctor treating her and tells her to look in her closet for her journal. And along with Christine, we read what she remembers. Until she goes to sleep and forgets it all again.....

Can you just imagine waking up with no memory and reading a journal you've written with what you've learned or remembered about yourself? Every day. As we get further and further into her journal everyday, the questions arise - should Christine trust the doctor  - or her husband?

S. J. Watson has done a phenomonal job at intensifying the suspense and building on it in subtle layers. I was reminded of classic Alfred Hitchcock films. The ratcheting tension is thoroughly delicious. The cover art is great too, with the fogged mirror and the woman peering through. Loved it, loved it, loved it!!

Be warned - you won't be getting too much shut eye yourself until you turn the last page of Before I Go To Sleep.  Get a sneak peek yourself - read an excerpt.

You can find S. J. Watson on Facebook as well. Or check out the Facebook page for Before I Go To Sleep.
Check out what others on the TLC book tour think of this book. Lucky Torontonians can catch S.J. Watson at Harbourfront on June 22. Details here.

I can't wait to read his second novel!


  1. Heard all positive stuff about this book.

  2. Oh wow this looks really interesting and pretty creepy. I like the connection to Hitchcock. Very cool.

  3. This sounds great! How can I not have heard of it until now? LOL

  4. I was just enthralled with this book. I could not put it down. So gripping. Loved your comparison to Hitchcock. It was hard to write about it without giving anything away, but also trying to share a sense of the menace that creeps up in the book. Gave me lots to think about. Nice review, Luanne!

  5. Wow, that sounds like quite a story!! I can't wait to read it.

  6. It´s funny because I can´t recall having heard about it before, but today - two glowing reviews. I suspect I´ll have to put this one on the list.

  7. Wow, what an enthusiastic review! I think you'll be convincing lots of readers to give this a chance.

    Thanks for being on the tour.

  8. This sounds fascinating Luanne! You've sold me, I can't wait to read it. I will be entering your giveaway for sure. Fingers crossed that I win a copy:)

  9. I have been looking for this kind of book.really find interesting and insightful.Everything else you describe, makes it seem like a book I'd love.I loved this book for the beauty of the writing
    Such a truly powerful book and a beautiful testament to the impact that mere words can have!


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