Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The New York Regional Mormon Singles Halloween Dance - Elna Baker

Okay, how could you not wonder what was hiding in the pages of a book with a title like The New York Regional Mormon Singles Halloween Dance?

More like who? Elna Baker that's who. Baker is a young twenty something practicing Mormon and self professed 'big girl' who moves to the big city - New York -  to pursue her education and career.

When she decides to lose a large amount of weight, she is suddenly attractive to men. Elna's memoir is a engaging narrative detailing her attempts to reconcile all the facets of her life - food, family, friends, God, sex and more. Baker also does stand up comedy and her sense of humour is present in her writing as well.  I found myself laughing out loud at many of the situations she finds herself in. Her choice of costume for the Mormon Halloween dance had me in tears. She dressed up as a fortune cookie - picture it...when she arrives at the dance, it is only then she realizes she her costume resembles female genitalia.

The New York Regional Mormon Singles Halloween Dance is a (very) funny, open, honest, informative and sometimes heartbreaking chronicle of a young woman's attempt to find herself. Baker's zest for life is infectious and it shines through in her storytelling and writing. A great read.


  1. This sounds like such an interesting and unique story and like you, I love the title!!! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Oh this looks too cute1 I just read another review of this and it looks like a definite read.

  3. This has been on my wish list for a while, so I'm glad to see you enjoyed it so much.

  4. Wow, I want this book. Seems that her life is full of adventure and fun. Noted this one on my list. Thanks for such a convincing book review.


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