Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Still Missing - Chevy Stevens

Still Missing is author Chevy Stevens' debut novel. I'd heard good things about it, but the cover blurb from Karin Slaughter sealed the deal.

Annie O'Sullivan is a realtor on Vancouver Island. She's just finishing up an open house and is almost ready to leave when a polite, well dressed man asks if she would mind if he had a quick look around before she locks up. He seems okay, so Annie says yes. " What the hell, a few more minutes wouldn't kill me."

The okay looking guy abducts Annie and keeps her prisoner for over a year....

Still Missing opens with Annie finally seeing a psychiatrist she feels she can talk to after she escapes. Slowly but surely we learn the details of her time in captivity - her fears, resolve and will to survive no matter what. I normally don't like first person narrative, but it is absolutely the right style for this novel.  I found myself holding my breath many times as I frantically turned page after page.

For me the book was two parts - the kidnapped year and the time after Annie returns to her life. The return to her life isn't the relief you would expect. Stevens has thrown in some twists that will have you guessing right 'til the end. 

An absolutely thrilling debut from a new Canadian voice. I can't wait to read her second novel Never Knowing - due out in the summer of 2011.

I found Stevens' background on Still Missing interesting - she was a realtor on the island and between potential clients at open houses "she spent hours scaring herself with thoughts of horrible things that could happen to her. Her most terrifying scenario, which began with being abducted, was the inspiration for Still Missing."

Fans of Karin Slaughter, Chelsea Cain and Lisa Gardener would like this book.

Read the first chapter of Still Missing.


  1. This book has got good reviews all over - am just waiting to read this book.

  2. You have me intrigued! Thanks for the review, will be on the lookout for this one :)

  3. I can't remember exactly what it was but this somewhat reminds me of a movie I saw awhile back.

  4. Just thinking about this one creeps me out! I'm looking forward to reading it.

  5. Ooooh Luanne, I didn't realize Chevy Stevens was born on Vancouver Island and the book is set there too. I'm an Island boy myself, so this one is going straight onto my TBBought list. Thanks!

  6. I liked this book, too, but it took me awhile to really like Annie's character. Because the narrative starts off with her already having endured the abduction and subsequent trauma, she's hard and difficult to like. But it makes sense and ultimately it works.

  7. Oh yay, I'm so glad you loved it. I just won a copy of this from Trish and can not wait to read it!


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