Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Rembrandt Affair - Daniel Silva

Today's post is part of a TLC book tour featuring The Rembrandt Affair by Daniel Silva. It's a little different from regular reviews. Everyone has been asked to answer a series of questions instead - lots of fun!

If you were to write a blurb in fewer than three sentences for THE REMBRANDT AFFAIR, what would it be?

Silva skillfully weaves history and modern spycraft together to produce an action packed thriller. The Rembrandt Affair has great characters and a frighteningly real plot  that will have you turning pages late into the night. A great series!

Gabriel Allon is a talented spy and assassin, but also a master art restorer. If you could have two careers that seem to be complete opposites, what would they be?

 I wouldn't change where I work now - I'm very happy in a library setting, surrounded by books. But I would also enjoy working in the theatre, creating sets and costumes. (Although I would have been happy 150 years ago as a pioneer as well!)

What three words would you use to describe the character of Gabriel Allon?

Stalwart, adroit, staunch (yes I had fun with the thesaurus!)

THE REMBRANDT AFFAIR takes the reader all over the world. Of all the locations mentioned, which would be your ideal vacation spot?

I would love to visit England someday. I am drawn to the history of London particularly, but would also enjoy seeing the countryside. (As a Commonwealth nation, Canada still has ties to England.)

Art theft plays a major role in the novel. If no crime were involved, what piece of art would you like to have in your home?

I am drawn to the work of folk artist Maud Lewis (1903-1970 Nova Scotia,Canada) Her personal story is amazing, as is her art.

Zoe Reed is a powerful female character in the novel. Tell us about an influential woman in your life.

Both of my grandmothers were very influential in my life. They both lived into their nineties, survived both world wars and the depression. Their strength and fortitude despite many hardships and personal tragedies has always been a source of inspiration for me. Their devotion to faith and family always provided a secure and safe foundation. Their lives touched and affected so many in such a positive way - I can only try to follow in their footsteps.

Who was your favorite “good guy” in THE REMBRANDT AFFAIR and why?

I think I will have to say it was Gabriel Allon. This was the first book I had read in this series and my first introduction to Allon. (It definitely won't be my last) Allon is calm, cool, caring, clever and charming. (more fun with the thesaurus) His character was convincing and never over the top.

All of the technology discussed in the novel is real. Does any of it surprise you?

The ability to take control of someone's cell phone and computer and have all interactions monitored isn't surprising, but it is frightening. More and more, we are able to be 'found' through technology.

What celebrity would play Gabriel Allon if THE REMBRANDT AFFAIR were on the big screen?

I think Pierce Brosnan would be perfect for this role - his past roles as James Bond made me think of him.

Which fellow book-loving, blogging friend do you think would enjoy THE REMBRANDT AFFAIR? Tag them here and we will mail a finished copy of the novel!

Hmm, I think Michele of Reader's Respite would enjoy this book. Tag!


  1. This sounds like an interesting book (love the assassin yet artist angle) and I loved your little meme of the book.

  2. I really like your Gabriel Allon description! I've read this book and totally agree with your choices. Of the good people, I also liked the son who is the winemaker of the evil man (for the life of me I can't remember his name at the moment). Thanks for sharing!

  3. Wow, sounds like an exciting book! Great interview, too.

  4. Wow! I really want to try one of Silva's books now. By the way, I would not have been happy as a pioneer!

  5. A pioneer!?! A life without the internet?

    I hope you found this format fun and different!! Thanks so much for being on the tour. We really appreciate it! Can you ask your tagged blogger to send me her address?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Oh wow.....I'm so EXCITED! Thank you for thinking of me! And you're right....this is completely up my ally. :)


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