Thursday, July 15, 2010

Over the Counter # 15

I had a treehouse at the cottage when I was younger. I absolutely loved taking a picnic and a book and whiling away the afternoon in it. I wish I had one today! Exceptional Treehouses by Alain Laurens and La Cabane Perchée was the latest book to catch my eye as it passed over my counter and under my scanner.
From the publisher Abrams Books:

"In Exceptional Treehouses, author and treehouse builder Alain Laurens reveals 30 gorgeous treehouse structures, 25 of which are entirely new creations, all illustrated with Daniel Dufour’s beautiful watercolors as well as photographs by Jacques Delacroix, commissioned specially for this book.

As in his first book, Treehouse Living, Laurens demonstrates his commitment to sustainable building and environmentalism with his designs, all executed with ecological ideals in mind. In 2000 Laurens started his company, La Cabane Perchée, to design and build treehouses around Europe. Each house takes into account the local environment, as well as the tree in which the structure stands, and the photographs show details of how the treehouses are constructed without driving nails into any part of the host tree. Exceptional Treehouses is the perfect inspiration for treehouse lovers, eco-friendly architects, and enthusiastic amateurs.

Alain Laurens worked for 25 years in the advertising business; he left his position as the president of an ad agency to found La Cabane Perchée, inspired by The Baron in the Trees, by Italo Calvino. To date, his firm has built 120 treehouses in France, Switzerland, Belgium, Italy, Spain, and Portugal."

(Over the Counter is a regular feature at A Bookworm's World. I've sadly come the realization that I cannot physically read every book that catches my interest as it crosses over my counter at the library. But... I can mention them and maybe one of them will catch your eye as well. See if your local library has them on their shelves!)


  1. They look beautiful but I guess it can never be done in the tropics - too many animals and the snakes!

  2. Looks like a most intriguing book.
    Have a great week, Luanne.

  3. This looks like a really interesting book and one that would send me back in time to my childhood and some of the carefree days I enjoyed then! It's sad to realize that we just cannot read all of the books that catch our attention everyday, isn't it. Being at the library you must be exposed to so very many books that look inviting. I really appreciate you telling us about them. In that way, maybe some blogger will have a chance to read a book you might not have the time to read.

    Great post, Luanne!

    ~ Amy

  4. I love the idea of treehouses too. I bought Treedom a while ago.

  5. Mystica - I believe there is one done in the tropics in the book.

    thanks Kaye - you have a great week too! ;)

    Amy - I'm so glad you're enjoying the feature. I'm having fun posting them!

    Bronwyn- Treedom is very cool too! There's just something about treehouses and being up in the air....


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