Friday, April 16, 2010

Bitten - Kelley Armstrong

I haven't really gotten into reading the paranormal genre. But when I was offered the opportunity to read Bitten, the first book in Kelley Armstrong's Women of the Otherworld series, I bit. I had heard Kelley speak at a library conference and was impressed by her.

Bitten is the story of Elena, the only female werewolf. She isn't happy, has turned her back on her Pack and is trying to live a normal life in Toronto. But when the Pack calls on her to help with a dangerous rogue bent on destroying them, she reluctantly agrees. She'll help them, but then she's done with them - for good.

I was easily caught up in the story from the first few pages. Armstrong's writing is sharp, crisp and intriguing. The storyline is solid and doesn't depend on 'glances and moments'. Bitten is a combination suspense/thriller/mystery with yes - some romance thrown in. I became enamoured of the characters - they were well drawn. The book was a definite page turner - I'll be picking up the next book in this adult series.

Kelley Armstrong is a Canadian author and one of the pioneers of the paranormal genre. Bitten originally came out in 2001.

Read an excerpt of Bitten.

** Remember you still have time to enter the giveaway for a spankin' new copy of Bitten. Ends Sunday April 18th at 6 pm EST.**


  1. I haven't gotten into the paranormal books either. I'm glad you enjoyed this one enough to continue with the series.

  2. I would love to win Bitten.
    Sorry about the book thief note, I don't know where that comes from.
    I am a follower.

    wiseowlreviews@aol dot com


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