Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Ripley's Believe It or Not - Seeing is Believing - Ripley Books

I've had this book for a little while now, but haven't been able to review it as someone else is always reading it!

My son absolutely loved this type of book when he was younger - and yes he's 'big' now, but still seemed to enjoy it just as much!

Seeing or Believing is the latest 'annual' (the 6th) from Ripleys. It showcases bizarre, crazy and unusual facts, stories, lists and tales from around the world. Pictures accompany most of the stories. Some of the entries are simple snippets, others are longer. New this year is a weblink symbol beside some stories indicating you can find more information and videos at the Ripley's website. Also scattered throughout are 'Ripley's Research' boxes, providing scientific information for some of the more fascinating oddities in nature.

The cover is 'eye-catching' and the stock used is heavy and glossy. It's an addicting book as you can pick it up and read one or two pages anytime. At almost 250 pages, they've packed a lot of mind boggling facts into every page. Some of the chapter headings include Extreme Earth, Incredible Feats, Crazy Creatures , Beyond Belief, Amzing Science - you get the idea...

How can you not want to read about bomb sniffing bees, pictures of incredible miniature art, the licensed bar that can hold 60 people - inside a baobob tree in South Africa. You'll find something to catch your interest every time you pick it up. Some of the pictures are a bit graphic - for me I skip snake pictures every time.

This book will appeal to trivia lovers, both young and old and would make a great Christmas gift book.


  1. This looks like a great book. I love all things Ripley!!! Used to be a great show once upon a time too.

  2. I used to love these books when I was a kid too!

  3. Sounds like something my daughter would love, snake pictures and all.

  4. I've always loved these books too! I used to buy them as a kid and now my 10 year old nephew does the same thing. I look for them at used book sales for him but I've never found one yet. They must be too popular to last long!


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