Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Lux's Practical Erotica Adventures - Lisa Beth Kovetz

This the second in Lisa Beth Kovetz's series - A "Tuesday Erotica Club" novel.

There's Lux (that's her on the cover) - a young woman from ' the wrong side of the tracks' and her friends , Brooke - an aspiring artist from a wealthy family, Aimee - a suddenly single new mom and Margot - a high powered lawyer. A seemingly disparate group, but they have become fast friends sharing their ups and downs and ....the writing and sharing of erotica.

It took me a few pages to catch up as there are references to what happened in the last book, but I was soon up to speed.

Lux is hoping to build a financial empire. When she see a run down mansion with good bones, she figures she can fix it up and flip it quickly. Her financing options and her past threaten to jeopardize her dreams at every turn. The other have troubles as well, but Lux is the main storyline.

Kovetz has created a caste of different and colourful characters. Lux herself I found to be slightly exaggerated, but then again, I don't know anyone from Queens, New York. They play off each other well.

Now, I must admit, I don't read erotica. But the erotica featured isn't of the steamy hard core kind. In fact it's more of the bodice ripper kind that you might find in a romance novel. Although some of it stretches belief - remote control panties in the grocery store?? To be honest, I read a few of the erotic entries presented in the Tuesday group, but then just started skipping them. I was much more interested in the story of Lux's budding empire.

Kovetz has used this erotic 'hook' to add an element to her books, which are basically chick lit in flavour. Sometimes it felt forced to me - "insert fireman story here." Again, just my opinion. I would have been happy with just the main story. The ending was a bit abrupt with some unanswered questions as to what happened to some secondary characters. Set up for a third book?

Kovetz has found great success with her first book - it's been published in over 14 countries and this one is slated for foreign publication as well. Lisa Beth Kovetz is a stand up comedian and television writer and producer in New York. I can see Lux's Practical Erotica Adventures being made into a chick flick.

Here's a You Tube video of Kovetz talking about herself and her books.

Thanks to Sourcebooks for the review copy.


  1. Yeah, I don't think this is the book for me.

  2. hmm...it sounds like a fun idea but I don't think it's one I'll check out myself. I can definitely think of people to recommend it to, though...:)

  3. Sounds cute enough, but with so many other books out there, probably not one I'll pick up.


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