Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Living Beauty - Bobbi Brown

It's only really as I've started noticing that I'm getting older - when did that happen?!- that I've thought about taking some action. Better late than never right?

Bobbi Brown is an internationally renowned make up artist and beauty editor. What attracted me to Living Beauty was Brown's approach to aging. She encourages and celebrates women over forty.

"Aging (or getting older) should be seen as a process through which a woman can gain more vitality, strength, wisdom, and a new sense of her beauty."

Brown advocates an entire way of living, not simply make up. Eating and living right with a positive attitude is the foundation of her philosophy. What she then offers are suggestions of ways to enhance what you already have. Make up tips with step by step colour photos on glossy stock. I enjoyed the before and after pictures. Hair cut and colour is also covered. Clothes, including foundation garments and what flatters every shape is also covered as is fitness and nutrition. I did find the chapter on BHRT - Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy interesting. BHRT differs from traditional HRT in that it is formulated from naturally occurring plant sources and individualized.

I did enjoy this book and will be incorporating some suggestions into my life.

Read an excerpt of Living Beauty.

Thanks to The Hachette Book Group, I had a giveaway for this book and invited winners to send in their thoughts once they had a chance to read it.

Here's what Sarah M from PA had to say:

"I finished it! I thought it was fantastic that along with the variety of makeup and fashion tips she stressed again and again the importance of what we put in our bodies. Bobbi Brown believes that eating, sleeping and managing stress well, along with other natural methods, are the core of the secret of timeless beauty. I loved that a makeup artist with such a successful cosmetic line of her own would write a book that doesn't push her products but encourages women to feel good to look good."

Any other winners, send along your thoughts and I'll add them to the review!


  1. This does sounds interesting (said the woman over 40 LOL) really though it does, I know I could take better car of my skin, etc....

  2. I think she is so right about eating being important to health and beauty, but sometimes it's so hard to be good.


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