Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Holly's Inbox - Holly Denham

Okay, get out your pen out and add Holly's Inbox to your must read chick lit list!

Holly Denham begins work as a receptionist at the banking firm of Huerst and Wright. It's a busy place, requiring two receptionists. Policy also forbids conversation unless it is business related. The next best thing? E-mail! The entire book is a series of emails from Holly's Inbox! We meet Holly's two best friends who both work at her last job - reception at a large hotel. Jason is incredibly funny, Aisha is a bit of a runaround. We get to live Holly's life vicariously through the corresponcence of these three. And really, doesn't everyone have a bit of peeping tom in them? We meet her meddling mother, her siblings (one who wants her to deliver some frozen rats to Spain) and her gran, who has just discovered the world wide web. She helps Holly out by signing her up for cheap flights and dating services.

But Holly doesn't seem to need the dating services. She begins to date one of the traders from the bank. But then.....

And that's where I'm going to stop. I don't want to spoil the story. And I could go on and on, as I couldn't put the book down. Devoured in two days! Reading it was like eating a bag of candy, one more piece, one more page until sadly the whole thing was done. Mind you, at almost 700 pages, it was satisfying!

This is an charming, amusing, entertaining read. One of the best chick lit books of the year for me. Holly's Inbox covers the first five months at her new job. I can only hope that it continues! If you'd like to check out Holly's Inbox online you can - at http://www.hollysinbox.com/. Really - it's her email account.

This was a phenomenal hit in the UK and Sourcebooks is releasing it in the US. I guarantee it will be a bit hit in North America too. Want a chance to read it yourself? Stop by tomorrow for a guest post by author Bill Surie. Who? Yes, Holly Denham is really Bill! Find out how he came to write Holly's Inbox and enter to win your own copy in tomorrow's post.


  1. This sounds great! Thanks for reviewing it. I hadn't heard of it!

  2. If you read almost 700 pages in two days, this must be a great book. I enjoy books written in letters, and I'm intrigued by a book written in emails. I'll keep this one in mind. Thanks for the great review!

    Diary of an Eccentric

  3. This sounds like a fun book! Thanks for sharing it.

  4. That does sound like fun! Do you get to read the emails she sends as well as the ones she receives?

  5. Yes Kathy - it is a back and forth with the emails, and a few chapters are devoted to the other receptonis't inbox as well.

  6. I've heard of this one. It sounds quite fun.

  7. I'm glad the book turned out to be so good! I didn't accept the arc because I went to the website first and it just didn't grab me. I'm glad to hear the book is different...sounds like fun!

  8. Ive heard alot of good things about this book..might have to check it out!

  9. Luanne I am reading this right now. I was scared when it came in seeing how thick it was. Thinking OMG what did i get myself in for but reading it now I see that I will be breezing through this very quickly. Great review.

  10. Firstly thank you Luanne SOOOOO much for hosting me, and for your review!!!! You have totally made my day, I keep re-reading it just to give me another lift xxx Also thanks everyone else for all of the wonderful comments! Glad you're getting through it Cindy - let me know if it makes you laugh I do hope so. If you have any questions for me I'll be back to answer them etc. Thank you once again everyone.
    x Holly/Bill

  11. Sounds like a really fun book.

  12. You're welcome Holly/Bill - tell me is there a sequel in the making?!

  13. Hi Luanne, there will be a second - more fun, surprises and twists etc (There wont be a Holly 3 though.)
    (not unless Hollywood decided to make a series of films about her)
    (then I'll completely sell out - even turn her into a receptionist with superpowers if that's what they want - Holly goes to Hollywood, The Holliminator - I'll stop now)x

  14. I just love this premise. The website is super cute too!

  15. This sounds like a great light read. Thank you for introducing me to it.


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