Friday, May 19, 2023

The Lie Maker - Linwood Barclay

Linwood Barclay's new book, The Lie Maker, has just released and it's another page turner from one of my favorite authors. 

Jack was nine when his father left - and went into hiding. (I'll let you discover why) Fast forward to adult Jack. He's been offered a job that seems a bit too coincidental, given his past, but he needs the money. And Jack also has other reasons for taking the job. He's a great lead character that I liked. His girlfriend Lana is a strong supporting player. 

We get glimpses into the past through two characters' memories and come to understand what's going on in the present. Which is...a lot of subterfuge, murder, revenge and my favorite - twists and red herrings strewn along the way to the final pages.

Barclay is a master of suspense novels. Once I start one of his titles, I can't stop turning pages. And this latest was no exemption. See for yourself - read an excerpt of The Lie Maker.


Kay said...

Luanne, I haven't commented on the page for a while, but I have been reading all your posts. Always love to stop by here as our reading tastes are a bit similar. LOL

Luanne said...

Oh Kay, thank you! Our tastes are very similar.