Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Never Knowing - Chevy Stevens - Review AND Giveaway

Chevy Stevens hit the ground running with her debut novel - Still Missing. It was a break out thriller that ended up on the New York Times bestseller list. (my review.) Her second suspense book, Never Knowing, releases today.

Sara Gallagher was adopted when she was very young. Now as a young mother herself and about to be married, she decides to seek out her biological mother. She finds her alright....but she also finds out much more than she bargained for. Her mother is the only surviving victim of The Campsite Killer - a serial murderer who was never caught. Sara - she's the result of a rape by said killer.

When word of Sara's existence and circumstances go viral, the Campsite Killer reappears. He'd like to get to know his daughter and grand daughter. The RCMP would like to catch him and ask Sara to communicate with him.

Never Knowing is told in an interesting format. Each chapter is a session with Sara's psychiatrist, told from Sara's point of  view. (side note: This same format featuring Nadine the psychiatrist was employed in Still Missing.Chevy indicates that her third book, Always Watching, will be from the perspective of Nadine)

Stevens has again come up with a terrifying concept for a book. Sara is torn between wanting to know her biological father and wanting to put him away. Sara is an interesting character - she is high strung, prone to anger, self centered and very high maintenance. Maybe she is more like her real father than she realized? I must admit that I found Sara annoying, despite her situation. Many times I just wanted to shout at her. The supporting characters, cops and dysfunctional birth family, are all very defined, perhaps a bit too much in some cases -I found many of the characters to be  somewhat cliched - especially the adoptive father.

I enjoyed the Canadian setting and references. Never Knowing is an addictive read with some good twists and turns along the way. For me it didn't quite live up to Still Missing, but was a great page turner, perfect summer escapist reading.

Get a head start - read an excerpt of Never Knowing. And if you missed it, here's the link to my Q& A with Chevy last month.

You can find Chevy on Facebook and on Twitter.

And thanks to St. Martin's Press, I have three copies to giveaway! Open to US and Canada, no po boxes please. Simply comment to be entered. Ends Sunday July 31 at 6 pm EST.


Linda said...

This sounds so exciting, no doubt a page-turner. Thanks for the giveaway.

Barb V said...

Sounds like a really good read. Thanks for the chance to win.

bermudaonion said...

I'm really looking forward to this book - it sounds like quite a page turner! No need to enter me.

Spaz said...

Would love a shot at winning this, thank you!

Would I miss anything having not read STILL MISSING first?


In Julie's Opinion said...

Wow! This sounds like an amazing read! Thanks so much for having this giveaway:)

jwitt33 at live dot com

ChristyJan said...

This sounds like a great read ~ I would love to win a copy.


Unknown said...

I would love to win this. Thanks for the chance!
amandarwest atgmaildotcom

Literary Chanteuse said...

I'm from BC so I've been dying to read this! Thanks for the giveaway!


Lynelle said...

I can't wait to read her newest book!

Vidisha said...

Sounds great

gfc follower


Unknown said...

This sounds like an addictive page-turning that will keep me up a few nights...how can I resist? Please include me in your giveaway!

Thank you!

Jo-Jo said...

Would love to read the next novel by Chevy Stevens as I loved Still Missing!

joannelong74 AT gmail DOT com

Unknown said...

Sounds like a good book.

unforgetable_dreamer_always (at) hotmail (dot) com

KMichelleC87 said...

Please enter me in this giveaway. Thank you!

i'm a follower


Anonymous said...

I would love to read this.

Sarah M said...

I loved the first book, and would love to read this one too. Chevy Stevens is definitely an author to watch.


lag123 said...

This sounds like a page turner. Thanks for the giveaway!

lag110 at mchsi dot com

clenna said...

This book sounds very exciting. I'd love to read it.


PoCoKat said...

Thanks for the great giveaway!!!

littleone AT shaw DoT ca

Liz said...

Wow, this book sounds awesome. Its different from the books i've read, but it sounds so good. I can't wait to get my hands on this one!!
Thanks for the opportunity :)


Meredith said...

I'd love to read this! Thanks for the giveaway!

meredithfl at gmail dot com

Carol M said...

I would really like to read this. It sounds like a story I would enjoy!
mittens0831 at aol dot com

Shannon said...

Thank you for including me. I still have to get my hands on Still Missing.
tiredwkids at live dot com

Martha Lawson said...

I loved Still Missing! and I can't wait to read Never Knowing. Enter me please, thanks.

follow on gfc

mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

Cubsfan33 said...

I just finished readin Still Missing a week ago and then loaned it to my friend we both got something different from the book. I work as a vicitm Advocate and my frind is a rape victim she shared from someone who has been through years of therapy it was very well written from a therapsit perspective. I was adopted at birth and have looked for my birth mother since age 18 I am now 40 so Never Knowing will have another special meaning to me. Thanks so much for your books I wasnt able to put Still Missing down and can't wait to read Neave Knowing.

Marjorie/cenya2 said...

Still Missing was my very favourite book last year and I would love to win and read this one.

cenya2 at hotmail dot com

Judy H said...

Please enter me in the giveaway.

headlessfowl at gmail dot com

randio said...

sounds like a good beach read!

Darlene said...

Oh my gosh! I would LOVE to win this! I gave Still Missing a 5-star review, and I am totally chomping at the bit to read this next one!

I'm following you on GFC (Darlene), and my email address is darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Amber said...

I'd love to win!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Anonymous said...



hbbs55 said...

I have read some awesome reviews for this book would love to win a copy, thanks for the chance!

hbbs55 at gmail dot com

McKim said...

Sounds like a good read for a road trip.

Desmond said...

Count me in, please!

dwarzel at hotmail.com

littlelatina said...

looks like an interesting read

Becca Ann said...

I would really love to read this!

Jean said...

Wow, this sounds great

Jennifer said...

I'm gripped already! I'd love to read it.

Margie said...

Looks intriguing. Thanks for the giveaway.
mtakala1 AT yahoo DOT com

Lu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lu said...

Still Missing was one of the best books I read last year. I have been looking forward to this one for quite some time. Please enter me! Thanks!

lusravesandrants @ gmail DOT com

shanaelyse said...

Looks like a great page turner!

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a book that I couldn't put down once I started reading it.


sweetsue said...

This sounds like a fun beach read-exciting too!
smchester at gmail dot com

/\Heather/\ said...

I read Still Missing, so it would be interesting to read this, as well. Thanks!
heatherpooh (hotmail)

Tamye said...

I haven't read anything by Chevy Stevens. Sounds good. Please enter me into the giveaway. Thanks.

clynsg said...

Might be a good one to add to my TBR pile.

cgclynsg0 at gmail dot com

Mona said...

Sounds like my kind of book -- thanks :)


nfmgirl said...

Chevy Stevens is on my list of authors I want to try. I've never read anything by them. Please count me in. Thank you!

nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com

Liz said...

Searching/reuniting is fraught with so much potential good and bad, as Never Knowing seems to illustrate. Some states offer the services of intermediaries.

Anonymous said...

I have been meaning to try Chevy Stevens. This sounds like a great read!

readerofthepack AT gmail DOT com

Pat L. said...

Another great sounding story. My daughter would love it if I won - she loves suspense books.

patoct at yahoo dot com

loni broesch said...

I loved Still Missing and I hope this book is just as good!

trippyjanet at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

My family loves to read.... and this sounds like a very good book! We would love to read it..


Anonymous said...

this sounds like a very good book.


Anonymous said...

I would love to win a copy of this book.


Anonymous said...

Count me in.
Karen T.

Debbie Kennedy said...

I love to read. Please enter me in your giveaway and thank you for offering it!
cleaningrhouse at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I would really like to read this one and can I just say I really love the cover...it really caught my eye. Thanks so much for the giveaway!

stilettostorytime at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I would really like to read this one and can I just say I really love the cover...it really caught my eye. Thanks so much for the giveaway!

stilettostorytime at gmail dot com

Donna said...

Sounds like another good one!
please enter me


turboterp said...

I read Chevy Stevens' Still Missing and loved it! This book sounds even better!

turboterp at gmail dot com

April said...

Looks interesting..thanks for the contest

mom2girls said...

This sounds wonderfull, a great summer read!

Nickolay said...

This sounds as though it could be a real good book for the fish house this Winter. Thanks for the chance


April said...

I would love to read this,it sounds really good

Karen said...

Sounds great - count me in please :)

Karen Gonyea
ktgonyea at gmail.com

Anonymous said...

If this is as good as her previous book I would love it,

ewhatley said...

Sounds like a great beach read.

mybeachylife at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

This book sounds really good, thanks for the chance to win it!
pjgirl74 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

Loved her first book, definitely want to read this one. Thanks for the chance

dvice12 said...

This would be great to read this summer

liliesrnice said...

I enjoyed Still Missing so I hope I can win this one!

susan1215 said...

Sounds like a good book

s2s2 at comcast dot net

Shari Klyn said...

The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read them. ~Mark Twain, attributed


Anonymous said...

i love a good book


AEKZ2 said...

I'm looking for a new book. This sounds so good.


Sand said...

I loved her first book and would love to read this one!

atreau at gmail dotcom.

Charlene Kuser said...

I love to read this,it sounds so
interesting and a compelling portrayal of one woman’s quest


Amber said...

Sounds like an interesting book, I'll have to check out the first one too.

Thanks for the giveaway!


Shonna said...

Have to agree with your take on the character. I felt the same way about Sara that you did. Interesting.