Monday, May 24, 2010

Jill Mansell - Interview & Giveaway

If you stopped by yesterday, you know how much I enjoyed Rumor Has It by Jill Mansell. I am thrilled to welcome Jill to A Bookworm's World today. She was gracious enough to answer my questions!

Luanne - Tilly is yet again a character I just loved. Your main characters are always quirky but lovable and the situations they find themselves in are great fun. Do you use any of your own (or your friends) experiences as ideas or settings?
Jill: Hi Luanne, and firstly can I say it’s great to be back on your wonderful blog! I’m so glad you liked Tilly too. My daughter says my characters always sound and act like me, but these days I’m afraid I’m a bit older than my heroines – although I still feel that age in my head. I definitely use other people’s experiences in my books, and settings too. Roxborough is based on Tetbury, which is where I went to school. (Prince Charles and his sons live there now – it’s a beautiful little town.) I may be going back in September for a school reunion, which will be fun, and could spark off a couple of ideas for the next book…

Luanne - Where did the idea for Rumor Has It spring from?
Jill: many years ago I saw an ad in a magazine that said Girl Friday needed, fun job, country house. Just that, no other details, but I’ve never forgotten it – I was so intrigued and my imagination was caught. I’d love to know what that job was like!

Luanne - Have you ever found yourself playing matchmaker with friends or family?
Jill: I don’t know if I have! I know I always WANT to, because (as in my books) I like to be in control and tell everyone what to do. The trouble is, in real life people won’t always do as they’re told. It’s really annoying – don’t they understand I know best?!

Luanne - Missed cues and misunderstandings plague Tilly and Jack. Any dating misadventures you'd care to share?
Jill: Oh gosh, millions. Thankfully I’ve been with my partner for 24 years now, so all the misadventures have faded from my mind. But I do remember chatting to one boyfriend’s mother and saying cheerfully ‘What kind of sad person would iron their pantyhose?’ She gave me a frosty look and said, ‘Well I ALWAYS do.’ Funnily enough, I split up with that boyfriend shortly after that…

Luanne - Your writing always makes me laugh. What makes you laugh out loud?
Jill: Again, all sorts. When we watch Friends at home, we always laugh. And my son is very witty – he cracks me up all the time.

Luanne - Which of your books would you like to see made into a movie? Who do you see playing the roles?
Jill: I find it quite weird to imagine actors and actresses playing my characters – to me, it would be like looking in the mirror and suddenly seeing that your own face has completely changed. I would love Rumor Has It to be made into a film though. I’d flit around in the background doing cameo appearances like Alfred Hitchcock!

Luanne - Is the idea for your next book always there or do you ever suffer from writer's block?
Jill: I try not to think of the next idea too early, otherwise I’d want to get cracking on it before the current book was finished. I wait until I’ve written The End, then start frantically scouring magazines/TV shows/friends for brilliant ideas!

Luanne - How much of a plan do you have when writing? Does it change as the story progresses?
Jill: The plan is always very vague – trying to write it all down in detail at the beginning is doomed to failure because a better plot-twist is guaranteed to come along and knock the rest of it off track at a later stage. Far easier to just make it up as I go along.

Luanne - Do you ever re read your own books?
Jill: I never re-read my own books – or anyone else’s nowadays. Can’t do it any more, which is a shame. I used to love re-reading old favourites!

Luanne - Author signings are a treat for me. Any tales from the other side of the table?
Jill: It’s fun when the fans are enthusiastic. Sometimes people bring flowers and chocolates, which is wonderful, but it’s also lovely when they bring old well-worn and much-loved copies of my books for me to sign. It means the world to me that they’ve enjoyed them so much!

Luanne- And everyone always wants to know what an author is reading!
Jill: I’m just about to start The Help by Kathryn Stockett, which I’m hearing great things about. And I really loved Lauren Oliver’s Before I Fall – an amazing book.

Luanne - Anything else you'd like to share with us?
Jill: Just thank you again for your wonderful enthusiasm, Luanne. And if anyone want to catch up with me on Twitter, which I love, I’m there as @JillMansell

Thank you so much for stopping by Jill! Can't wait for your next North American release. And thanks to Sourcebooks, I have two copies of Rumor Has It to giveaway! Simply comment to be entered, open to Canada and the US, no po boxes please. Ends Sat. June 26 at 6 pm EST.


Mary (Bookfan) said...

LOL, probably a good thing she broke up with the boyfriend whose mother ironed her pantyhose. :D I'd love to win this book!


Patti V. said...

Great interview! Loved hearing more from this author.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to enter. The interview was great.


DarcyO said...

Thanks for the great interview. Loved learning more about Jill. I'd love to read her new book.

dlodden at frontiernet dot net

Sophia said...

The author, Jill, seems so interesting and funny. I'm sure that'll reflect in her book which I really want to read!

Sophia Lee

Kara said...

I have been wanting to read this book for sometime now...please enter me into the the interview with Jill!!!!

ktulanko AT aol DOT com

debbie said...

The interview was great. I would love to read the book.

ChristyJan said...

What a fun interview! RUMOR HAS IT sounds like a great read ~ please enter me in this giveaway.


Jo said...

Such a fun interview! I'd love to read this book :)


maria said...

This looks like such a good book!! I really hope i win!!!

Anonymous said...

This look like such a great book!!! Total chick lit right up my alley! I would love to win!!!

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

No need to enter me, lady (dratted PO Box). I'm dropping in to say thanks for the e-mail. I've got this posted at Win a Book for you.

chey said...

I'd love to win this book.

chey127 at hotmail dot com

Alexandra said...

I would love to read this!!Count me in!

Anonymous said...

This looks like a great book!

Tracy R said...

I've never lived in a small town, so I have always enjoyed the escape of reading novels set in small towns.

throuthehaze said...

Great interview! I would love to read this :)
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Margie said...

Interesting interview. Thanks for the giveaway.
mtakala1 AT yahoo DOT com

Linda said...

I've recently read a couple of rather "dark" books, and I'm really in the mood for something light and funny. Thanks for giveaway.

Shannon said...

Sounds like great read.

tiredwkids at live dot com

Sandy Jay said...

This sounds like a great book. I'd love to win it. Loved the interview.

forwhlz at gmail dot com

Andrea said...

I have read several books by Jill Mansell and enjoyed them...I would love the chance to read this one!


Martha Lawson said...

Nice interview! This sounds like a fun book, please enter me for it!

I follow

mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

JHS said...

Sounds delightful. I'm in! :-)


admin at jhsiess dot com

sweetjudyblue said...

Great interview. Ironing pantyhose, that's what I call anal

Amber said...

Sounds like a fun book!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Beth said...

This looks fun! Please enter me!

I love that she doesn't re-read either. Too little time, too many books!

bethsbookreviewblog2 AT gmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

nice interview! Love hearing about the writers!

abfantom said...

This sounds like an interesting book that I'd like to read. Please enter me in the giveaway.

abfantom at yahoo dot com

mindy said...

this sounds like a great read thanks for the giveaway minsthins at optonline dot net

linett said...

great interview

donnas said...

Sounds great. Thanks for sharing! I look forward to getting the chance to read it.

bacchus76 at myself dot com

marthajane said...

This sounds like a fun summer read. Please enter me!

Gwendolyn B. said...

What a lovely interview! Thanks so much for sharing it with us. I've only read one of Mansell's books so far, but I want to read more. Thanks for the chance to win a copy!

geebee.reads AT gmail DOT com

Unknown said...

Would love to read this. Have never read any of her books before

rugerpuppies at hotmail dot com

Jennifer, A Self-Confessed Foodie said...

I've heard such good things about this author, I'd love to read this book!

jlsemon at gmail dot com

Kristi said...

I love Jill Mansell's books. I just finished one last night. I would love to have a chance to win Rumor Has It. I loved the interview. Thanks for sharing.

klmickelsen at gmail dot com

Tarah said...

Great interview! I'd love to read her work!


Brent said...

I think my wife would like this book

mmentor said...

one just for me

Unknown said...

What a wonderful interview. Jill sounds like an amazing lady. I don't recall reading anything of hers but I am certainly looking forward to this one. Please enter me!

debraldufek AT hotmail DOT com

gcpeach17 said...

I'd love to read this. please, enter me in this giveaway.

gcpeach17 at aol dot com

a real librarian said...

Sounds great!! Thanks for the giveaway!!


Debbie F said...

Count me in! Thanks

dcf_beth at verizon dot net

Nicole C. said...

I would love to read this book.


clynsg said...

Don't think I have ever read any of her books, but it sounds as if this one is just the kind of light funny one that goes very well with relaxed reading!

cgclynsg0 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Hi, this author sounds like a great read. I've just reserved a book by her at the library. Thanks for the opportunity to win! Luanne in Montana lafinmt at hotmail dot com

Karen said...

Sounds intriguing :)

ktgonyea at

Anonymous said...

I loove the cover!!

waxtheknob said...

I comment, therefore I am.


Sue said...

I need a good summer read... Thanks for the giveaway.

s.mickelson at gmail dot com

degood said...

this looks like a great read for summer.

Denise S. said...

I love reading! Thanks for the chance.

mary teneyck said...

sign me up love hearing all this from this author, my kids read like no tomorrow, and we'd are a house hold who'd love books and when we're done we'd pass them along, also

Alicia said...

Would love to read this.

Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<

bloggyig at gmail dot com

Marilu said...

Great post! Please enter me in the giveaway. thanks

lovemykidsandbooks AT gmail DOT com

Jlefkovenj said...

I'd love to win this book!

Benita said...

I loved the interview. Please count me in.


Anonymous said...

Some women actually iron their pantyhose?!! Yikes!
I'd love to win a copy :)

Miranda Ward said...

looks like a GREAT READ

Cass said...

Looks like a great read. Nice interview! Thanks for the chance to win this book!


mary teneyck said...

sign me up its will get lots of use here with all my kids thanks

Simply Stacie said...

Please count me in.

simplystacieblog at gmail dot com

LittleEagle said...

Thanks for the interview and for hosting the giveaway.

sharonaquilino at hotmail dot com

PeechieKeen said...

Great contest, please count me in!

Debs Desk said...

Great interview. Please include me in your giveaway.

Anonymous said...

It's interesting to read the words from the author. thanks for the interview. Please enter me for the book.
jwatkk at comcast dot net

Tonya Dean said...

Would love to read this. Thanks for the great giveaway.


LAMusing said...

Terrific interview. Would love to read the book!


Momma Told Me said...

Would love to have a chance to read it! Follow me back!
six_one_nine_girlie86 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Anonymous said...

Dounds like a good book. great interview with the author

Nickolay said...

Great interview. Fun sounding book


Andria said...

I would love a chance to win. thank you.

CherylS22 said...

I'd love to read this book. I just finished "An Offer You Can't Refuse" & really enjoyed it. Please count me in!
Thanks ~ megalon22 at yahoo dot com

Hotsnotty2 said...

I'd love to read this, thanks for the chance!

Valeen said...

Great interview! Thanks for sharing and thanks for the contest! This book sounds great!

sweepyhead at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

The ironing one's pantyhose line is priceless!

rah267 said...

would love to read this book. thanks, have a great day

idahomom said...

Thanks for the chance at what looks like a good read.

Charlene S. said...

I think reading this book would make me smile :)

motherabagail531 at yahoo dot com

lknott said...

This book like a fun relaxed read for the summer days. Had not heard of this book until your review. Want to read and wouldn't mind winning!!!!!

Unknown said...

sounds great

Deborah Wellenstein said...

Thanks for the great interview-I would love to win this!

Oneangel said...

Great interview and sounds like a great read!

Breanne said...

Sounds like a good book!

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the interview. The book sounds very interesting.

Mama Michelle said...

I would love this book! Please enter me!

Anonymous said...

Interesting interview, sounds like a good read
diane baum

justpeachy36 said...

Please enter me in the giveaway. This one looks great!

Cassandra said...

I've been looking for a great Summer Read!

cassandrap83 (at) gmail (dot) come

Cassandra said...

Great interview! It sounds like a great read. I've been looking for something to take on vacation.

cassandrap83 (at) gmail (dot) com

disneyfanheather said...

Oh, I'd REALLY love to read this! Sounds great!

Edyta said...

Sounds like a great summer read. Please count me in.

susansmoaks said...

i would love to read this one

susansmoaks at gmail dot com

dvice12 said...

This looks great

Nancy S. said...

Sounds like a fun book.
ncschools at yahoo dot com

Betty C said...

I would love to win this book. Jill seems like such an interesting person. I'd love to have a conversation with her.

Anonymous said...

Interesing interview-can't wait to read the book-
Diane Baum

George Ferris said...

I enjoyed the interview very much.
George Ferris