Monday, May 17, 2010

The Days of Prey Tour and Giveaway - John Sandford

I've been an ardent fan of John Sandford's 'Prey' series and his recurring character - Lucas Davenport - for almost 20 years. When I was asked to take part in a unique tour leading up to the May 18th release of the twentieth book in the series, I jumped at the chance. This tour is unique in that 20 bloggers have been each asked to read one book from the series and answer the same set of questions about Lucas. It's been great to follow the evolution of this character. has the entire tour list on one page for you - check it out and follow the tour.

Title and series number of the book you read:
Wicked Prey is the 19th book in the series.

Year published: 2009

Tell us about Lucas Davenport:What is Lucas doing when he first appears in the book? Set up the scene.

Lucas's name appears before he does in Wicked Prey. A nasty local pimp is cursing Davenport - he blames Lucas for his being wheelchair bound. But Lucas isn't the one who pulled the trigger.

When we first meet Lucas in Wicked Prey, he is driving back to the Twin Cities after spending the weekend at his lake cabin with his wife. En route he receives a call about a possible problem - a sharpshooter with extremist ideas from out of state has been seen target shooting, practicing a specific distance over and over again.

Give us a sense of time and place.

It is late August 2008 in St. Paul, Minnesota. The Republican National Convention is to run September 1-4 in St. Paul, making the sharpshooter a prime concern as McCain and Palin will be there.

Lucas’s occupation or professional role?

Lucas is the Chief Investigator for the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA). He also handles special 'requests' and sensitive issues for the Governor's office.

Lucas’s personal status (single, dating, married)

Lucas is married to Weather Karkinnen, a surgeon. They have a 2 year old son named Sam. They are also guardians to 14 year old Letty and are hoping to adopt her. Letty came into Davenport's life in Naked Prey, in which she was the sole witness to a double hanging in her small town.

Lucas Davenport is a known clothes-horse; did you notice any special fashion references?

"He was, in fact, a clotheshorse, this morning wearing a light checked sport coat over an icy-blue long-sleeved dress shirt, black summer weight woolen slacks hand-knit by an Italian virgin, and square-toed English-made loafers."

When trying to dress down to go undercover, his jeans are rejected by the other cops.
"You're way too neat. What do you do? Do you dry-clean your jeans?
The housekeeper irons them, sometimes, Lucas admitted."

Let’s talk about the mystery:
Avoiding spoilers, what was the crime/case being solved?

There are two story lines running simultaneously in Wicked Prey that collide into each other. The Republican convention is in town. The afore mentioned sniper is a worry, but so are reports of lobbyists and their 'expense' money being targeted by a well informed gang. The pimp with a grudge against Davenport decides to get back at Lucas - through young Letty.

Does the title of your book relate to the crime?

Wicked. The pimp and the leader of the gang are indeed wicked - acting and killing without thought, except for their own well being and gratification.

Who was your favorite supporting character, good or evil?

I have a fondness for the supporting characters in the BCA. Del Capstock is one of my perennial favourites. He's quick witted but a bit of a slob. His undercover assignments are always fun. He's awaiting the birth of his child in this book. But my favourite supporting character (who actually has 3 books of his own) is Virgil Flowers. Or as he is known - that f****n' Flowers. He garners only one mention this time - he's too far away to make it back in time for a bust.

I'm torn on Letty. I have enjoyed her pluckiness and self sufficiency in past novels. This time out, she's darker and a little too manipulative for me. We'll see what she's like in Storm Prey.

What was your favorite scene or quote?

Okay, as a Canadian, this was my favourite quote! It had me laughing out loud.
"The way I see it, they were ready for us, they had a whole exit plan all figured out. She's probably in Canada by now. Why Canada? Well, Canada's full of criminals, so it's a good place to hide out, Lucas explained."

Finally, how do you envision Lucas Davenport? If he were to be portrayed in a movie, what celebrity would play him?

"Lucas Davenport was a tall, tough, dark-haired man,, heavily tanned at the end of the Minnesota summer. The tan emphasized his blue eyes, his hawkish nose, and his facial scars: a long thin one down through his eyebrow, like a piece of white fishing line, another circular one on his throat with a vertical line though it." Hugh Jackman all the way!

Read an excerpt of Wicked Prey.

Sandford is one of my favourite authors. The writing is always crisp, the characters appealing and the cases intriguing. I've enjoyed every one of his books and cannot wait for Storm Prey! So if you'd like to get in on the action, have I got a deal for you. You have the chance to win a copy of Wicked Prey AND an advance reading copy of Storm Prey! Yes, one winner will win both!! Open to both US and Canada, no po boxes please. You must be a follower to enter this special giveaway! Ends Friday June 18th at 6 pm EST.

( Join Bermudaonion on Tuesday May 18th for the last stop on the tour. She's reviewing the new book Storm Prey)

Also linked up at Cym's Wednesday Book Review Link-Up.


debbie said...

This is great. I would love to have both books. John Sandford is a really good author.

bermudaonion said...

I love these books, too! No need to enter me.

Debbie F said...

I have never read John Sandford but have heard great things. Please count me in! Thanks!

dcf_beth at verizon dot net

Marjorie/cenya2 said...

I would love to win these books.
I really enjoy a good mystery.

cenya2 at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Drop my name in the hat, Luanne! My husband loves these books and this would be for him.


LisaMM said...

LOVE IT! This one sounds great! Thanks so much for being on the tour. I'm a brand new fan of Sandford and would absolutely love to win!!

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

No need to enter me, babe. I'm dropping in to say thanks for the e-mail. I've got this posted at Win a Book for you.

Unknown said...

I don't recall reading John Sandford but they sound great. Plese enter me and thank you for the giveaway.

debraldufek AT hotmail DOT com

Carol M said...

I really want to read these books! Please enter me! Thank you!
mitten0831 at aol dot com

Cindy W. said...

What an awesome giveaway. I would love to win both books. Thank you so very much for the opportunity!

Cindy W.


Donna said...

I love the Prey series and I'd love to be entered!

persianpickle at hotmail dot com

Thank you!

Aisling said...

I loved your review and have never read John Sandford - am going to check out his books. (Meanwhile, I'd still love to win these!)

Anonymous said...

I follow through GFC (Nadine Larsen) and am a HUGE John Sanford fan. Love Lucas Davenport.

kitkat234 said...

I have all of his books except this one would love to read it!Thanks
ktikat 234 at gmail dot com

mindy said...

these both sound wonderful thanks for the giveaway minsthins at optonline dot net

plhill2000 said...

I would love these books since I have read others by him.

ChristyJan said...

Wow! What a great giveaway! Please enter me.


mverno said...

love to give this a perusal

Margie said...

My husband and I are big Sandford fans. Thanks for the giveaway.
mtakala1 AT yahoo DOT com

Mystica said...

Never read him but would like to get the opportunity to do so. Thank you for hosting Luanne.


mensa63 said...

Being a mystery affectinado from my early teens Sanford is a real breath of fresh mystery air. So many mystery writers today seem to have lost touch with the true art of the genre but Sanford has it down pat. Nice reads on cold snowy nights and on hot sizzling summer nights. Fingers crossed here in the Poconos where we have both.

D Q said...

I haven't read anything by this author yet. The books look interesting.

marthajane said...

I love John Sandford. My dad always used to get his books and share them with me, and now I read them on my own.
Please enter me. I am a follower on GFC. (momthatreads)

Anonymous said...

Wow a 20 year fan! That's incredible. Weather is my favorite character too, though I'm hoping to get to know Letty better as well. Sandford writes such wonderful female characters (which is necessary, since Lucas Davenport and Virgil Flowers both attract several!).

janeh said...

I love John Sandford and I'm a big fan. The books are set in the Twin Cities, so that makes me even more interested as I'm very familiar with the area.

Pat said...

I love his books and would love to win!

Unknown said...

would love to have both books. love to read

rugerpuppies at hotmail dot com

maria said...

Count me in! I am a follower!

Margie said...

My husband and I are both big fans of Sandford. Thanks for the giveaway.
mtakala1 AT yahoo DOT com


clc408 said...

Thanks for the chance - I love Sandford's books.

linett said...

read some of his earlier novels and loved them, thanks

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in the giveaway. Thanks.


Alexandra said...

Please enter me!

Beth said...

I'm a follower and I'd love to win! His books are so good!

BethsBookReviewBlog AT gmail DOT com

JoanneR said...

Am a follower. Thank you!

Crystal F said...

Sounds good. I would love to read them. thank you!

Anonymous said...

Would love to win anything written by John Sandford.
He is outstanding.

wiseowlreviews@aol dot com

409cope said...

I follow through google friend and would love these two books.cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

loni broesch said...

I follow..

Raspberry said...

These sound great! Thanks for the interview. I'm also a new follower.

clynsg said...

Follower, and I don't remember ever reading anything by this author. However the review seems to be an indication that I would like them.

cgclynsg0 at gmail dot com

PatZ said...

I loved some of his other "Prey" books so I think I would love these.

nfmgirl said...

Awesome! Please count me in. Thank you!

nfmgirl At gmail DOT com

tlannan30 said...

These look like great books!

chlorinebrain said...

I just love mystery books! I've never ready anything by John Sandford yet. I would love to win this - the books sound great!

Anonymous said...

I am a follower and I would love to win.

felinmanor@aol dot com

Carole Spring said...

I am a new follower via GFC.

I have read many books by John Sandford and I have enjoyed them all. I would love to win both of these books.

Please enter me in the giveaway. Thank you for the chance!


Karen said...

Looks great :) Count me in please :)

ktgonyea at

Julie! said...

This looks goood! The title, the interview, the cover, everything's goood!

kitkat234 said...

I follow and would love these books, thanks!
kitkat 234 at gmail dot com

Alicia said...

I read all his books in the mid 90s but forgot where I left off, so I'm starting over now. Would love these to add to my collection.

Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<

bloggyig at gmail dot com

Michelle B said...

I have never read his books before but they sound like a good read

waxtheknob said...

I comment, therefore I am.


scottsgal said...

I enjoy his books - thanks for the chance
already a follower
msboatgal at

Sandee61 said...

Enjoyed the question/answers for Wicked Prey. I really like John Sandford's writing, and have read the first 5 books in this series so far. I'd love to be entered in your giveaway for his latest two books. Thank you!



sweetsue said...

I follow. I would love to win these for my sister's birthday. She is a HUGE fan of John Sanford.
smchester at gmail dot com

Denise S. said...

I follow and I love reading! Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

I haven't read any of John Sandford's books - love to read & would love to win these!!

Ming Ming said...

Both books look really good. Totally worthy of curling up on a nice day and reading :3
Thanks for the contest ;]


Rhonda said...

Please enter me. I have not yet John Sandford but this book sounds great.


jellybelly82158 said...

Please enter me for these books.

John Sandford is a great writer.

Renee G said...

I would love to read both of these.

Hotsnotty2 said...

I'd love to read this, thanks for the chance!

marthajane said...

I have been a fan of John Sandford's for a loooong time. I'd love to win these books!
Thanks :)

MarielDumas said...

I would love to win both!!

Miranda Ward said...

this looks like a great book

boucelll said...

The Prey series is one of the classics and I'm sure these two will continue the trend.

Unknown said...

Please enter me to win! Thanks!

Michelle B said...

I am a follower on GFC i have never read any John Sandford books before they sound very interesting reads

susansmoaks said...

please accept my entry john sandford is one of my all-time favorite authors.
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win. I haven't heard of this author before but his books sound very interesting.

Breanne said...

I'm a follower and I'd love to read these books! They sound great

susan1215 said...

I follow and I would love to read these books

Charlene S. said...

Follower on GFC. Yay, 2 books :)

motherabagail531 at yahoo dot com

Sand said...

I'm a follower. These sound like great books!

Unknown said...

I don't think I've ever read one of his book. I would like to read these.
Jesskaufman at hotmail dot com

Betty C said...

I'm a follower and I would love to have this. When I find an author I really like I read everything I can get my hands on.

/\Heather/\ said...

I follow as /\Heather/\
These sound like great books! Sign me up.