Thursday, January 7, 2010

Giveaway - The Survivors Club - Ben Sherwood

Okay fear of flying girl here. When I read the blurb for this book, it was that first line that caught me.....

Thanks to the generosity of The Hachette Book Group, I have five copies of The Survivors Club by Ben Sherwood to giveaway, so that you too can find out which seat to book!

From the publisher:

"Which is the safest seat on an airplane? Where is the best place to have a heart attack? Why does religious observance add years to your life? How can birthdays be hazardous to your health?


Each second of the day, someone in America faces a crisis, whether it's a car accident, violent crime, serious illness, or financial trouble. Given the inevitability of adversity, we all wonder: Who beats the odds and who surrenders? Why do some people bound back and others give up? How can I become the kind of person who survives and thrives?

The fascinating, hopeful answers to these questions are found in THE SURVIVORS CLUB. In the tradition of Freakonomics and The Tipping Point, this book reveals the hidden side of survival by combining astonishing true stories, gripping scientific research, and the author's adventures inside the U.S. military's elite survival schools and the government's airplane crash evacuation course.

With THE SURVIVORS CLUB, you can also discover your own Survivor IQ through a powerful Internet-based test called the Survivor Profiler. Developed exclusively for this book, the test analyzes your personality and generates a customized report on your top survivor strengths.

There is no escaping life's inevitable struggles. But THE SURVIVORS CLUB can give you an edge when adversity strikes."

Read an excerpt of The Survivors Club.

Open to both Canada and the US, no po boxes please. Ends Saturday, Jan 30th at 6 pm EST. Simply comment to be entered.


Patti V said...

Okay. This looks interesting. Please sign me up.

Gina (Prim and Polished) said...


Please enter me.

gina(dot)nicolett(at) gmail(dot) come

Linda said...

I guess we could all use a bit of this kind of advice. Thanks for the giveaway.

Cath said...

I could definitely use this book. I haven't been on a plane since I was 11 because of The Fear.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Kristi said...

Sign me up as well! My husband has a terror of flying and could use all the help he and I can get!

Thanks for the giveaway!!!

Simply Stacie said...

Please count me in.

simplystacieblog at gmail dot com

christa @ mental foodie said...

sounds interesting!

Misusedinnocence said...

This looks fascinating! I would love to read this!

jemscout425 said...

i had a fear of flying til i flew, now i love it

sweetjudyblue said...

Interesting. Sign me up. Thank you

LittleEagle said...

What an interesting premise. sharonaquilino at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

I'd love to win!

mverno said...

love to read this book of sitautional occurences sounds very interesting

Katja said...

Couldn't hurt to have this in a collection... Who doesn't want the safest seat. Please sign me up.

A said...

I need a good new book to read! Count me in!

iluv2blog said...

I would like to win a copy of this book.

abfantom said...

I just read another a review of this book and put it on my "to read" list.

Please enter me in the giveaway.

abfantom at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Please enter me. You can never be too prepared. Thanks. Charlotte

Nickolay said...

Another great book! Thanks for the chance


linett said...

sounds interesting, thanks

Sherry and Gena said...

Definitely the type of book I LOVE to read!!



please sign me up

DEBIJOT said...

Love books like this. Thanks

Anonymous said...

What an interesting sounding book, thanks so much for the giveaway!

clctaube @

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a book we should all read.

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

toughturtles said...

enter me Thanks

409cope said...

This looks like a great read! Please enter me. cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

marjeannie said...

I've seen shows on this. Great to have all of the info in one place.

Anonymous said...


cheryl c said...

This sounds like a fascinating book filled with info that we all need. We all need to be prepared for emergencies. Thanks for offering a chance to win this.

castings at mindspring dot com

Sarah said...

Sounds intriguing!


Deborah Wellenstein said...

I've been interested in this book since I first saw it at a bookstore some time ago. Thank you!

Ellie Wright said...

Sounds like a great book. Thanks for the giveaway.
eswright18 at gmail dot com

Nicole C. said...

Sounds like a good book!!


Jennifer Wilson said...

I would absolutely love to read this! Please enter me.

jenndiggy at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Sounds like something everyone should read!


Linda Henderson said...

This sounds live a very interesting book. I would love to read it. I have a fear of heights and flying is torture for me.

seriousreader at live dot com

cowboyswife said...

I like to read this

Lori said...

This looks interesting

wildflower00 said...

This sounds like a really good informative book. Please enter me

Jessica said...

Thanks for the great giveaway!
jjak2003 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Sounds really interesting!

sundaygirl at gmail dot com

rockymountain_brown said...

It's gotten some great reviews on amz. thanks for the chance!

Jennifer said...

This looks like a great book, thanks for the giveaway!


Ladytink_534 said...

I really want to read this for some reason. Please enter me!


Anonymous said...

I heard an interview with the author a while back and thought this book sounded very interesting, would love to read it.
greenlancer at comcast dot net

janeh said...

sounds fascinating.....

Andria said...

It sounds really interesting. I would love a chance to win. Thank you.

booklover said...

Please enter me in the contest.

tradingaddress at gmail dot com

Erica G said...

I would love to win!

egreca (at) hotmail {dot} com

bargaingirl said...

Please enter me...this book looks interesting.

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a must-have book so please enter me in the giveaway. I must have it

artmarcia said...

I loved "The Tipping Point" and this looks good too.

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great spiritual read. Please enter me.

luckylu said...

Sounds interesting!

Mystica said...

Sounds good and thanks for the giveaway.


Denny, Alaska said...

Please count me in! Thanks.


dn6511 said...

Thanks for hosting sounds great!

Faither said...

Looks like an interesting read.

Eden-Clare said...

sounds interesting



Ronrose said...

In this world I can use all the help I can get. Put my name in.

Princess Golden Hair said...

this sounds like an amazing book. it sounds like one I would want to share with my students.

CherylK said...

Sounds like a good read.
Please count me in for
a chance to win.
Thank you.

Dave said...

I've been considering buying this book for awhile now, but winning would be even better. Thank you for the fun give-away.

David Johnson said...

Please count me in, thanks.

Pat said...

This looks like a fantastic book with information we could all use.
pkildow at gmail dot com

Tammy said...

You sound like me I have a stack of books to if it gets to low I'm off to Barns and Noble or the used book store if the funds are running low.
I would love to win this interesting book'

TX_Jen34 said...

This book sounds like it could help me.

azrosebud said...

i bet i could learn a few things

arose218 at yahoo dot com

Nancye said...

Looks like a very good book.

nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

Amy said...

wow this book looks great!

2ndchancephoenix at gmail

Lala77 said...

This book would be incredibly interesting and informative. Enter me please!

ikkinlala said...

I'd like to enter, please.

ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

turboterp said...

This just might be the most useful book ever written! Thanks!

alexa said...

Alexa Nernberg

The Survivors Club sounds like an interesting read. Thanks for the opportunity to participate.

Jamie said...

This looks like an interesting book.

Marianna said...

I am very interested in adventure/survivor stories and survivalism type books. I'd LOVE to read this! Thanks for the chance to win!
mannasweeps (at)))) gmaildotcom

dispatcher_kristy said...

This book sounds really great... Would love to win

Anonymous said...

Please put my name in the draw. This sounds like a great book to read. Thanks.


djgroz said...

Would love to read this

Anonymous said...

Sounds like an interesting book!

Sheila Hickmon said...

Please enter me!

sharonjo said...

I need to read this book! Thanks!

sharonjo said...

New Google Follower! Thanks!

Egare1 said...

Add my entry please!

Renee G said...

Would love to read this.

Storm Safety Blog said...

I like that the author is using real incidents to describe desperate situations and how to survive. Knowing the suggestions actually worked for someone gives them a lot of credibility.

Jayfr said...

Sounds interesting.

Anonymous said...

I like to read non-fiction!

Ilissa said...

I heard about this book a few weeks back. It looks like a great read!

karly said...

I would love to win this book! Thank you!


Oneangel said...

Sounds like a great read. Thanks for a great giveaway.

lilyk said...

This book sounds very interesting. I'll definitely check it out!

Curling up by the Fire said...

Okay, this book looks very interesting, but somewhat scary at the same time. I'm probably doing a lot of things wrong.

dreamcleavers said...
i love teh topic of this book, count me in

Anonymous said...

My husband will totally steal this book from me!

Anonymous said...

I would like to read this book.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this book. I have already been hit by one crisis. I would love to learn how to deal and survive when crises happen.

07violet said...

this sounds very interesting, I'd love to learn some new things

alterna7 at hotmail dot com

/\Heather/\ said...

Interesting! I'm living in a pretty scary town these days, so I'd love to up my chances of survival. Thanks!

Roseann K. said...

I'd love to win this book. thanks!

dvice12 said...

This looks really useful

Sams842 said...

sounds interesting...